News for March April 15th 2020 |
Live Streaming 3D City!
I have been streaming my long awaited 3D City for use in my Comic book like of Durty Bug and Intruders on Earth. Come to my Official Youtube Channel, Ironworks Gaming! Click the Link HERE!. Remember to Subscribe (free) and click the bell Icon to get alerts when I go live, (which is in high res 1440p (2k mode) for crisp livestreams. Or watch it anytime afterwards, as they are all Archived. I have over 500 videos--many or them are from gaming, but I have a playlist JUST for 3D Modeling too!!
Forum UP!
I fixed it! Took
the CPU off, cleaned the pins, and swapped some RAM out and
BOOM! Booted up fine! Whew.... Saved myself a lot of money.
lol. All is back to normal!
Comics being Released!
I've been quite
busy working on three websites at once, as well as finishing
up work on THREE Durty Bug Comics
(Two of which will be released next Month (May 2015). The
third will come in AUG. These are NOT 'scanned
in, and digitally colored.. no. These are completely redrawn
with my latest skills in comic design, using all the latest
Adobe Photoshop 2015 special effects and features! It looks
amazing compared to the originals.. (I must say.. lol). So
stay tuned!.
(Also, this entire site is nearly ready to be updated
completely and will finally show off my NEW 3D Model
selections, and not those old 1990's Sci-Fi models. I am
designing a complete 3D City in HD detail. Why? It'll
be the backdrop for the NEW comics of Durty Bug and another
Comic called 'Intruders on Earth'. based loosely on the TV
Series 'War of the Worlds, but much better. :)
Web Design in June 2013!
It will incorporate
all the updated and current 3D Models and artwork I have done
(with an an updated web design), as well as a few all NEW
areas for the Comic Line I'm about to release! Dūrty
Bug is coming...
Almost done
I am almost done
with the new TGE Web Design, and it should be uploaded this
coming week! The design is much the same, but I built upon the
current look, keeping it simple to navigate and adding many
new features. Every area will also be updated, some areas will
have new content, and new 3D Models will be ready to go in a
few weeks too!
TrueSpace Webring
I no longer use trueSpace for any project, so there is no
reason to keep my site in the Webring. The nav button on the
lefthand side will be removed when the new design is launched.
New Design
This design you see was created in 1998. It was so ahead of
its time in design, and HTML, that it really stood the test of
time and current design styles. I still get emails on
The new design is underway now,
and will build upon this design, yet bring forth much better
navigation design, complete SSI integration, and flash.
I won't clutter the design up--I like to keep it simple, and I
think you guys want to get around the site as efficiently as
Also, build into this front page
will be a 'virtual' web cam.
This will show the latest renderings of 3D Models I am
working on, and will most of the time, released freely to the
public. You can watch, as each day as a Model progresses!
It'll be updated every update daily. Email me if you like the
Missions Update
It has been on hold for 3 years due to
many real life things. Another is a change
from using trueSpace to 3DS Max for 3D work. And now,
I have learned Max, and have imported all the Starfleet
Missions 'sets'. I have also been remaking most of the
models that needed it--I will first work on the SFM Episode
1. It will have added scenes as well, as well as music and
more, using Windows Media Video. Production is underway,
and I have turnaround on making shots is so much faster, so
it will be completed much faster.
Making Models for Neverwinter Nights!
After a year in
development, the hakpak for the RPG Neverwinter Nights
will be released in a few weeks, and then, All the 3D
Models here (sci-fi) and such will finally get a total
remake, and I NO LONGER use trueSpace3D. I have moved
to 3D Studio Max. 3DS Max is a sophisticated high-end 3D
Modeling software package that has been used in MANY
Hollywood blockbuster movies, and animated movies like Toy
Hurricane Images of our area!
I live in Florida, and as many of you may
know, we were hit with 4 hurricanes this summer,
and 3 of them hit over our city, Lakeland. Our home lost only
2 shingles and mostly tree branches (some LARGE though).
I have put up an
image gallery Here so you can see what the last one
did -- Hurricane Jeanne. It was a scary storm, and I like
storms, but this one was scary. 90+ mph sustained winds is no
joke. 4 of our neighbors lost 50% of their roofs and siding,
so we were very lucky.
View the images here!

New DVD quality SFME1 Clip
It's the same one just released below, but the
quality is 200% better, and new scenes have been added and
reshot. It's now 14MB. Let me know what you think on
our Forum!
Download Now
Starfleet Missions Clip Released!
This is a short clip of a Starfleet Hopper Shuttle attacking a
Larger Starfleet Starship. It's using Windows Media format,
and is 3.5MB
You can watch it
on the way!

Over the past five Months, we
have been working on the remake of the first Starfleet
Missions movie. Originally released in 1994, the graphics are
very out-dated. We are working for a release date of July
The original was done in
Deluxe Paint Animation, and the remake will be done in
trueSpace 6.5 with full music score, and voice and sound
What about Starfleet Missions II you ask? well, production on
that was halted until this is released, and it is mostly
complete, and we will need people to do voice-overs, so if you
have a good speaking voice, and can maybe do more than one
Email me with a sample!
The Official Forums are BACK!
It's been
some time since our Forums have been up, but I have created a
brand new 'TGEWEB' Forum for anyone to post your artwork pic's
as well as see
from the many projects I am working on! The forums are located
at Ironworks Forum--Which is another Site I own and have been
running since 1999. Everyone is welcome!!!
Click Here to go right to the Art Forum.
World Premiere
of Durty Bug�!
Great Escape has released the first ever
digitally produced Comic based on the Characters Dan Huling
created back in 1982. The Comic is entitled 'Durty Bug�'
(Not Dirty Bug), and you will be able to read the entire
Comic, which is 35 pages. For those what will want a paper
based comic, those will also be available, and will be
autographed on request. We're setting up the Shopping cart for
purchases now!
Our first Official Compu-Comic Release will be in June
2003! This comic is based loosely on the TV Series "War of
the Worlds" --Not to be confused with the Movie of the
same name.
We will also be selling them in paper format for a small
price, but the digital format is free.
Each comic's locations, people and 'sets' were all done in
trueSpace5 (a 3D Modeling Program) and with added effects
which look amazing!
Here to see a page from the 1st Issue we will be
releasing in Jan 2003.
Update on Starfleet
Missions II
have had many emails asking when SFME2 would be released,
since I started the project in 1999. Since then, many things
have happened in my life--My Mom passed, and we had to deal
with a few other things as well. Needless to say, I am still
working on it, and it's about 50% complete. I already have the
soundtrack ready, so that will help speed the release a lot!
Stay tuned for a short clip of SFME2 early next year! I have been very
busy with many different projects for a few months, and will
be releasing 2 NEW Models soon. One is the the Transport
from Stargate
and another is The SS
Enterprise NX-1
(As seen in the new Startrek series 'Enterprise').
It looks much like the Akira
Class Starship.
Also-- I have been reworking the forums. I have upgraded
the forum software, and right now I am testing it out, and
working on the artwork layouts for it. It will be ready for
use in a week or so.
first in a series of 30 second 'previews' of the sets that are
used in Starfleet Missions II are being uploaded, the 1st one
is online now!
Their IS one 'hiccup' in this AVI (A camera error, but it only
lasts 3 frames)
This AVI REQUIRES the Div-X Codec, which can be downloaded Here.
This 30 second animation is a walk-around in Starfleet Academy
grounds (West wing complex). The AVI is 3.7MB
30 second Movie Here
Remember, If you are into PC Roleplaying
check out
Ironworks Gaming