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Mailbag Archives |
is the Arcanum? |
e-mail is to comment on your total lack of coverage on
what many of us feel is *the* game to be waiting for this
year. The game is Arcanum, being developed by the original
developers of the Fallout series.
It has a rich story, background, and world with a complex
social and political tapestry (from what we can tell).
I know that you have had other e-mails regarding this game
including links to source material, I wanted to add my
voice to those who are very surprised and disappointed
that a RPG site which claims to be representative of the CRPG
world would miss the game entirely.
Evensen, Marceivind |
We've received
lots of emails about Arcanum
in the past few days, and we DO plan on covering it very
soon. We've contacted Troika and Sierra Studio's and should
receive a demo or beta, when that arrives, we'll have a huge
preview of Arcanum and even an interview with the Troika
development team!

Quest got you stumped? |
I found your
Quest Log part of the site vague and unhelpful. Please
expand on Luxurious the Vampire because I have no idea what
to do. Do you need the Miller's Torch? Where do
you get the 'hammer that can smash rocks' and where do
you find the camp of rats and the boulder? Is this how
you get the other tombs open?
Maxwell |
quest will begin in an old mill. Seems the miller has been
hearing strange noises coming from his mill. His apprentice
has also disappeared inside the mill. He will ask you to
investigate and give you his torch. The torch is not needed
for the quest so do with it what you will.
Venture inside the mill and you will come across the
apprentice. He will tell you of an evil vampire named
Luxorius. Seems Luxorius is looking for something inside the
mill. The apprentice, being bitten by Luxorius, will turn
into a vampire and attack you after he's done speaking to
you. Continue onwards into the mill until you come across
some werewolves. Defeat them and rescue the Rock Crushing
Hammer they were guarding.
When you
have the hammer go back up above and find the Mad Rat's
Camp. There will be a large boulder blocking your entrance
to the camp. Your new found hammer will do the trick nicely
so give it a whack and kill the Mad Rat inside. When you
kill him you will receive Luxorius's sceptre.
Back inside the dungeon you will come across two coffins.
Equip the sceptre and you will be able to open them. Inside
you will find the vampire's ring and cloak. Watch out when
opening one of them though, as you will be attacked by a
load of enemies.
On the
final level of the dungeon you will find Luxorius's lair.
The guard will tell you that he does not want to be
disturbed. Give him the sceptre and he will let you enter.
Meet up with Luxorius himself and he will ask you for his
belongings. Give him one of the three items and he will ask
you for the other two. Before you can give it to him though,
he will attack you. Don't worry about giving him anything
else. Just fight and kill him and he will drop a crystal for
This quest can be completed without getting the ring and
cloak. You can just give the sceptre to Luxorius and kill
him to get a crystal.
You can also complete this quest by giving Luxorius all
three items. You have to give him all three in VERY quick
succession. If you do this, you won't have to fight him, he
will just drop the crystal and take off.

Voices! |
it possible to change Party NPC voices. I tried numerous
editors, biff strippers and the like and I can't change
their voices. All I can do is change my original characters
voice. How can I change the NPC party member voices?
Percy |
far as we can tell, you can't change them. We tried a few
times with different editors but failed. We'll look into
this more and see what we can dig up. In the meantime, if
anyone knows of a way to allow this, email us!

Patching Problems |
Ok I'm want
to know if patch 1.02 exists or what, because when I try
to install the v1.03 patch, it keep saying "old file
missing". I have been looking for the 1.0.2 patch for
a couple of months but find nothing, thanks for answer!
Wolfgang |
would just backup your saved games and reinstall Darkstone.
You DO have to install each patch, not just the latest one.
Go to the Official
Delphinesoft site.

sleeping restore your characters' full hit points? |
seems to be happening with my copy (and this makes the game
considerably easier). My characters are regaining 30 or
more points after a sleep - even camped out in the snow or
in a cave.
I have the latest patch installed.
Is this a bug/feature/idiosyncrasy of my own set-up?
Anonymous |
all Computer Roleplaying games (Especially AD&D) Allow
resting in game to restore hit-points, and as well as
re-memorizing Spells that your Mage or Cleric's have used in

Craft Release? |
you have any idea when Dungeon Craft will be released?
And will it be freeware, shareware, or "buy before you
try" like all the other programs?
Mathieu |
Craft: Unlimited Adventures Forever is in Beta, and you can
download it right now and try it out. It is Freeware, and the
source code is also up for download on the Programmers Site
Download Either Here.

with Baldurs Gate Portraits? |
was downloading portraits for Baldur's gate. I tried
to download the Necromancer portrait and got Elminster's
instead. I looked at the link for both of them and
they are the same I liked the portrait for the evil looking
Necromancer and I hope you fix it soon. Thank you for
your time.
Anonymous |
for the tip, we received many emails about that error in the
Baldurs Gate 1 Portraits area, its been corrected now. Enjoy!

Want Dragonlance PC Games! |
gate and Icewind dale are great games but they're both set
in the forgotten realms universe, I've never read a
forgotten realms novel but, you know, i can still enjoy
playing these games.
But I know I'm not enjoying it as much as those who have
read these novels. My question is will the company
that released these games make any in the Dragonlance
universe using ad&d rules. those are the novels i
read front to back and thoroughly enjoyed. I hope you
can answer my question.
Dongo |
me, you're not alone. Many people have been wanting a
Dragonlance computer game for a long time. The last
Dragonlance game that was made was the old Goldbox games. I
really miss the world of Dragonlance... I'm not sure who owns
the license to design such games, or if even one does. If
anyone does know, email us, and we'll update this response. (I
hope someone DOES know!) and their is someone designing a game
based in the Dragonlance world.

reviews- Ha i don't think so! |
is obviously a Ad&d fan sight, even if it is a CRPG
ad&d fan sight, it is one none the less.
Icewind Dale should be renamed "Icewind failed".
It's no wonder only this game was released at the same time
of D2, the developers where hoping it would go unnoticed by
all but the most avid AD&D fans.
I find it funny that the review skated over the worst of
it: The sluggishness of its speed at critical times,
lock-ups and crashes (with the patch).
The fact that the tweaks are merely cosmetic, with very
little effect on game play.......
I was a huge fan of BG 2 years ago, and anticipated the
release of IWD....but I and every one I know who bought the
game IWD are disappointed with it.
The Infinity engine is showing its age, and time has not
been kind to her.
All and all if the review had been honest, the game would
have been described as "middle of the road,
lackluster, and unoriginal".
One can only hope that Baldurs Gate 2 will be 'the' game
that gives D2 a run for it's money....
Harte |
will agree with you that this is an AD&D fan page of
sorts, but that's a given since we're a Computer Roleplaying
Game site.
I don't believe that Interplay decided to release it at the
same time as Diablo 2 so Icewind Dale would go
"Unnoticed", in fact, it received a LOT of
attention, with sales figures pushing Icewind Dale up to the
top of the charts to #2. And 99% of all the gaming sites gave
IWD a very high score as well, so.. are you saying that ALL
Gaming sites are biased? Thats Absurd...
I'm sorry that you didn't like Icewind Dale, you should return
it if you felt that way about it, and the Infinity Engine.
Our review of Icewind Dale WAS Honest, 100% Honest.
Believe me, if a game sucked, we'd let you know. We have
nothing to "Hide" from you guys, and we kiss no corporate
either <g>.
In closing, you are welcomed to your opinion, but don't try
and force it upon others. Our reviews of the games we receive
are non-biased, and from the heart. Some may not agree with
our reviews, which is expected. We just try and give people an
idea of what the game is like, and let them make their own decision.


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Craft Weekly Update |
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