DVD quality SFME1 Clip
It's the same one just released below,
but the quality is 200% better, and new scenes have been added and
reshot. It's now 14MB.

Remake of the First Episode
Over the past five Months, we
have been working on the remake of the first Starfleet
Missions movie. Originally released in 1994, the graphics are
very out-dated. We are working for a release date of July
The original was done in
Deluxe Paint Animation, and the remake will be done in
trueSpace 6.5 with full music score, and voice and sound
What about Starfleet Missions II you ask? well, production on
that was halted until this is released, and it is mostly
complete, and we will need people to do voice-overs, so if you
have a good speaking voice, and can maybe do more than one
Email me with a sample!
30 Second Animated Clip!
April 7th 2001, is the first of a series of 30 second 'previews' of
the sets that are used in Starfleet Missions II. Their IS one 'hiccup'
in this AVI (A camera error, but it only lasts 3 frames)
This AVI REQUIRES the Div-X Codec, which can be downloaded
This 30 second animation is a walk-around in Starfleet Academy
grounds (West wing complex). The AVI is 3.7MB
Download 30 second Movie
Missions - What is it?
I've added
a page explaining all about this series,
and what you can expect in this upcoming Animated movie. This movie
has been in the process for over 4 years, and twice so far, I have re
constructed models/sets and people because of new technology, and new,
up-to-date effects trueSpace offers now. If I kept these 'old'
rendered animation cuts, they would look bad compared to the newer
ones--hence the remake.
I know many of you have been waiting a very long time, and I know you
want to see it. (I want to see it) <g>, and I have rendered a
small 30
second clip
of what Starfleet Academy looks like (The 3D Set). over 1 million
Brand New Screenshots!
We've added 5
new screenshots
so go check them out and let us know what ya think so far! You can
also download
an AVI of a test I did in the building that the screenshots show