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Downloads & Patches

Official French Patch v1.06 3.14MB Download
Official German Patch v1.06 3.13MB Download
Official Spanish Patch v1.06 3.16MB Download
Above are the French, Dutch and Spanish versions of the Icewind Dale patch. WARNING: If you have the add-on 'Heart of Winter' installed, none of the above patches are required.
Heart of Winter Cheat sheet 14KB Download
Once you download the text file, load it with any text viewer like WordPad or write or word. Then you should print them out for easy access. Enjoy, it took a lot of digging to find these out.

**Trials of the Luremaster**
(Add-on for Heart of Winter)
Click Here to Choose your Download

Official USA Patch v1.06



This is another official Patch for Icewind Dale, To install it, view the readme.txt that is included with the file. This probably fixes whatever was missed or popped up in the v1.05 patch. <g> you do NOT need to install the 1.05 patch before this one. so if you have yet to patch IWD at all yet, use this one.
Official Patch v1.05



This is the Official Patch for Icewind Dale, To install it, view the readme.txt that is included with the file. This Patch corrects many bugs and cleans up multiplayer as well.




A Flash-based screensaver which features some portraits and concept art. Very processor intensive - be aware!
IWD Movie Trailer



A nice movie where you can see some portraits and moving screens (yes, moving screens from the game!). Worth a download!
IWD Concept Art



Cool concept images, there are three different images.
Arundel Arch - 1.2MB    Green House 4 - 4.4MB   Lower 5 - 7.8MB
Portraits (by Jason Manley)



These portraits features a female half-eleven cleric and a male half-eleven wizard. They are available in different sizes - for your convenience (a tip: use one of them as a wallpaper!)
768h - 1.8MB     600h - 930KB     480h - 650KB
More portraits (by Jason Manley)



More nice portraits by Jason Manley! This time - a male dwarf fighter/cleric and a female eleven fighter!    768h - 1.5MB     600h -900KB     480h - 600KB
Desktop Wallpapers I



Download these very detailed, nice looking desktop wallpapers, four in all. This is set one. More coming soon!
1280x1024 10.4MB
1024x768 6.8MB
800x600 4.2MB
640x480 2.7MB
Desktop Wallpapers II



Download these four great looking Desktop wallpapers for your PC! This is the second set, and is even better than the first!
1280x1024 8.3MB
1024x768 5.5MB
800x600 3.5MB
640x480 2.3MB

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