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Individual Quest -
Crypt Dungeon
following partial walkthrough is for the Crypt level from the
"Wizards & Warriors Strategy Guide," which is available
from Brady Games. For more information about purchasing the
strategy guide, you can contact Brady games via their website
or their publisher.
Table of Contents
- Entry
- Rat keeper
- F'lokis
- Secret
- Statue
of Kerah
- Main
- Wizards
And Warriors Path
- Asylum
- Scabban
the path north of Valeia and into the graveyard next to the ruins of
Bersault. The Dead are walking so expect to fight your way into the
you cross over into the crypt dark corridors greet you.
skeletons are trapped within the first few rooms so fight
way down until you come to a broken staircase.
Drop down into the level below.
Rat keeper.
large room you come into the threshold of the tomb of F’lokis Ra.
Ignore it for now and go down the stairs. Go into the area by the
pool; open the chest to get the bauble stick Talk to Rethpian, who can
tell you where he dropped his keys (the crystal). Swim down into the
water; use the Bauble stick to get the crystal -- you cannot get the
Gold key at this point.
back into the large chamber and use the crystal to call the elevator.
of F’Lokis Ra
the elevator up into the small room. Here you will face a mummified
undead – a minor servant of Lord Cet. Kill him and pick up the
amulet he was wearing – this contains the words you must say to the
statue of Kerah. Press the button on the wall to call the elevator and
then ride on its roof up to the secret room.
4. Secret
the tomb of F’lokis is a secret chamber. You can find the Ring of
Saints and some treasure here. Go down the corridor and the wall will
slide back taking you into the room with the Statue of Kerah.
5. Statue
of Kerah
in front of the statue and say the words written on the amulet (“Santus
Kerah” or “Blessed be Kerah”). The door into the true crypt will
through the area slaughtering the undead. There are many skeletons,
crypt bats and more powerful undead throughout the twisted corridors
and rooms of the crypt. Move
carefully clearing out each area before moving forward.
some places you will find upright coffins stacked against the walls,
these may contain the treasures of the dead, but more often are
occupied by a powerful monster such as a mummy or plague corpse. Go to
the far eastern section of the crypt where you will face the Spirits
of the Wizard and Warrior. Each of these monsters will drop a crystal,
which will allow you to take one of the Jindols from the burning
altars. Use one of the Jindols in the room with the two braziers to
open either the Wizards or the Warriors paths.
7. Wizard’s
and Warrior’s Paths
can only follow one of these paths, depending on which brazier you lit
in the last room. I recommend following the Wizard’s Path (the
brazier on the right) as you get more loot and a greater challenge.
The two paths are very similar in that you must first pass through a
Fire Pits room, then face a combat challenge and finally come upon a
healing pool of water and some treasure. After completing a path you
will drop into the Asylum.
Fire Pits
room is full of blazing fires that burn your party and a sealed
portcullis at the end. The trick here is to walk over the central fire
(the one directly facing the portcullis) and then walk backwards
through it. After you have done this walk around the edge of the room
and slip through the gate.
Fire Pits
this room there are two levers in alcoves tot he right and left and a
central fire that will heal your party. The trick here is to avoid
walking into the healing fire which resets the puzzle) and throw the
levers and then walk out along the sides of the room.
hint … you can get past both of the Fire Pits rooms by using a
but of lateral thinking too! If you drag a crate down from
upstairs you can push it ahead of your party and jam the
portcullis open. Also if you take a straight run down the corridor
and do a flying leap over the central fire pit you will often roll
under the portcullis before it closes!
people of the Gael Serran are not enlightened in their treatment of
the insane – they are left to rot with the dead! Here Scabban’s
contagion first took root and now the dead walk the grimy corridors of
the old asylum. Many plague ghouls and other zombies wander this area
and you will have to fight your way through it to get to the
necromancer Scabban.
your way through the more powerful and active undead until you reach
the upper chamber where you can meet the necromancer Scabban. Listen
to his story and then put him out of his misery. Once he is dead throw
the switch on the wall and jump down into the waters below. Swim
through the underwater passage until you emerge in the Tombs of

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