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Heuristic Park
This is the company that created Wizards & Warriors. Leading the company is D. W. Bradley, who also was the designer and producer of Wizardry Series.

Another great software company. They are the guys that published the game! Be sure to check all the other games they offer, they have many, many titles.

John Hubbard's Wizardry & Wizards and Warriors Site
This site has a great wealth of information on W&W, but it also covers ALL of the Wizardry games! A very nice site, and it's been around for a long time, which is great! A very nice Walkthrough can be found Here as well!

IGN W&W Forum Board
This is strictly a Forum. It has some info, but nothing that matches Ironworks W&W Forum. The last post was in 2002 also. So it's pretty dead anyway.

GameFaq Wizards & Warriors Area
Here, you can find a walkthrough, and a greatly detailed FAQ. A really great article.

Rick Volberding's Wizard & Warriors Site
This is probably the BEST Website for Wizards and Warriors on the net. On this site, you will find hundreds of detailed Maps, with locations marked, and detailed text on each area! If you need help in the game, or want to really find everything in W&W, check this website out! He also helped Ironworks with many of the Walkthroughs!

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