1. Entry
to the DragonSpire is through the tunnel on the southwestern side.
Inside the Entrance Door (A) is the typical lever - pull it to
load the dungeon and raise the door on the other side of the rope
Ensure that your lead character is wearing the Dragon Armor from the
Stout Mines and then follow the tunnel to the Bronze Firebeast (B).
Push past it on the left side and click on the wall lever to turn off
the flames. Continue along the corridor.
3. At
the Big "T" (C) go right (east) and walk down to the
South River Landing (D). Enter the water and swim north along
the eastern wall fighting the current. Land on the Eastern Cove (E)
and take the tunnel in and up. If you miss you can retrace your route
via the north river landing.
4. Go
northeast and defeat the Scorthidon. In the First Crystal Chest Room (F)
open the chest and get the first dragon
crystal. Return to the hole and cross it on the left side.
Follow the knife-like passage to Kol’s Intersection (G).
Speak to the demented one and then head north.
Continue past the drop-down hole and enter the First Spider Area (H)
and plunder the chest for the crank.
Head back to the drop-down hole and drop down it. Follow the short
tunnel and drop down through the hole into the Big "T" (C)
again. Go down to the South River Landing (D).
Follow the ledge south along the river then start swimming (stay near
the south wall and fight the current). Swim into and through the
waterfall. In the Ladder Room (I) take the ladders up and
follow the passage to the Drawbridge (J). Use the crank to
extend it and cross it to Hephaestus’ Room (K). Talk to him
and then take the north passage to the Flywheel Lift (L) and
take it up. Follow the short passage and drop down through the hole.
Go north.
Follow the tunnel to the Lake (M). Kill the Colanth and get his
eye (a Magic Shoppe quest item). Swim deeper into the lake and
take the underwater tunnel east to Urthdala’s Room (N). Get
the Divine Sigil ring and swim back out. Take the
northeast passage from the lake to the Crumbling Walk-Way (O)
and run-jump to the other side. Enter the Second Spider Area (P),
kill the Taranta Queen, and get the second
dragon crystal.
Go back to where you dropped through the hole near the Flywheel Lift
and go south. Climb onto the Top Bridge (Q) and carefully jump
off. Let the current slowly drag you along and watch for the wall of
the waterfall. Attempt to land on the stony middle bridge - if you
miss you’ll need to drift up the river, land at the Eastern Cove (E),
go to Kol's Intersection (G) and go south. Follow the passage
until you get to the Blocking Boulders (R). Use the Sigil on
the boulders and they’ll melt into the ground. Open the chest to get
the third dragon crystal.
Go back to the Top Bridge (Q) by way of Hephaestus and the
flywheel lift. Cross the bridge to the other side and use the dragon
crystals on the wall emblem to open the door. In his Lair (S)
watch Erathsmedor crunch the evil Kol. Say Elseramavin to the dragon,
give him the Shroud, and he’ll open the door to the Mavin Sword.
Take it and exit through the small doorway. Leave the caverns by
carefully following the steep path to the west side of the mountains.
That’s it for the DragonSpire.